West Farm Surgery

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Patient Access

Housebound & Older People

We provide home visiting services for frail older patients who are housebound. If you feel this effects you or your relative then please ring and talk to our reception staff. In addition to our GP team visiting we also have other health professionals who provide home visiting services.

Emergency Care Practitioners

We work alongside our local emergency care practitioners who provide acute visiting service for urgent problems such as falls, chest infections affecting our housebound population. They are highly skilled nurse practitioners who are able to assess you or your family member and can prescribe if required.

Frailty reviews

We provide proactive care for our older adult patients and so our GPs review certain more frail older adults annually to make sure that we are doing all we can to keep them independent and well. This may be involving our multidisciplinary falls team, our pharmacist or the dietitian. It may be that improved social activity is helpful and our Care Navigator can provide some support and information.

Sometimes it may be that the annual review is also an opportunity to talk about care planning and your wishes should it come to the end of your life. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about care planning and forms such as allow natural death forms.

District Nurses

Our District Nurses carry out many roles for housebound patients, including:

  • General nursing procedures and investigations
  • Post-surgery care
  • Assessment of patients’ needs
  • Care for terminally ill patients
  • Loaning of equipment
  • Looking after wounds and leg ulcers
  • Educating patients about self-care


If you care for someone and feel you would benefit from further support please see our carers page for further information or ring to speak to Kelsey our Care Navigator.