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Patient Access

Diabetes Services

There are a number of services that can help you when it comes to looking after yourself if you have diabetes.

Routine care

The majority of people with diabetes are looked after by the practice team.

Diabetic reviews – patient who attend the practice for their diabetic care will be invited to attend the practice when their review is due.

We like to see all people with diabetes once a year for an annual review and sometimes more often depending on your results or if you are having problems with your diabetes.

You will be contacted by the Health Care Assistant to book your annual review appointment. You will have one appointment with the Health Care Assistant who will take some bloods, check your BP, height, weight and check your feet. You will then be sent a personalised care plan with your results and advised if your follow up appointment is with the nurse of the doctor.

The Practice team

Dr Joanne Lee is the practice lead for diabetes and she is supported by Rachel Fawcett Practice Nurse and Velma Barrow Health Care Assistant.

Specialist care

If there is a particular problem identified with your diabetes care that we cannot help you within the practice, then we will refer you to a specialist service.