West Farm Surgery

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Patient Access

Allied Professionals

District Nurses

These nurses are employed by Northumbria Healthcare. They mainly provide nursing care to patients in their own homes. Some clinic sessions are also provided at The Oxford Centre, West Farm Avenue, Longbenton.

Patients can leave a message/arrange an appointment or visit by telephoning 0191 2932580 Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm or 0845 6080321 at other times.

Health Visitor

The health visiting team for North Tyneside patients is based at Shiremoor Children’s Centre.The telephone number is 6432110. Patients living in Newcastle are cared for by a Newcastle Health Visitor based at Regent Point, Gosforth. The telephone number is 2826433. Both teams provide a range of services including advice on child and parenting issues, baby clinics, baby massage and various other groups, as well as health promotion for the whole family and community.


There are a team of midwives attached to the practice, providing care and advice during pregnancy and after birth. If you live in North Tyneside and have just found out you are pregnant you can refer yourself directly to the Community Midwifery Team by scanning the QR code below. If you live in Newcastle and are newly pregnant please contact the surgery